Partnership Models & Description
Join hands with the fastest growing Education Technology Company and grab the opportunity to market and deliver tested and trusted world-class Education Managemet System which promises various life-time income opportunities.
1) Reference Partner
The ‘Reference Partner Plan’ would be apt for individuals/firms having network with educational institutions in any manner. Prior marketing or technical skills not necessary. Invest little time and harvest revenue without any financial commitment and hassles.
- => The Reference Partner needs to provide the client reference, identify the potential client and hold the preliminary discussions.
- => The online or on-site product demo, negotiation and order finalization will be conducted by Escuela Nigeria
- => Contract/Billing for the product with the client will be solely managed by Escuela Nigeria.
- => Software Implementation, Training and After sales Support will be carried out by Escuela Nigeria.
- => A reference margin of 10-15% will be provided to the Reference Partner solely depending upon the number of modules availed and the discount offered to the client.
2) Associate Partner
The ‘Associate Partner Plan’ would be apt for individual/firms having wide network with educational institutions. Prior marketing and technical skills needed. Invest time and effort without any financial commitments and harvest promising life-time income.
- => The Associate Partner would be required to identify the client, demonstrate the product online/on-site, negotiation and order finalization.
- => The Partner will also deliver training and provide after sales support once the product is installed.
- => The Contract/Billing may be managed either by the Associate Partner or by Escuela Nigeria.
- => A business margin of 30-40% will be provided to the Associate Partner depending upon the modules and license fee of the prodcut. This will also depend on the number of unit sales for a fixed period.
- => The Partner is eligible for the agreed business margin of the reccuring yearly license fee while the contract is valid.
3) Exclusive Partner
The 'Exclusive Partner Plan' would be apt for firms having wide network with educational institutions. Prior marketing and technical skills are essential. Wise investment of time and money in exclusive areas with guaranteed life-time returns.
- => The Exclusive Partner would be required to identify the client, demonstrate the product online/on-site, negotiation and order finalization.
- => The Partner will also deliver training and provide after sales support once the product is installed.
- => The Contract/Billing may be managed by the Exclusive Partner.
- => A fixed margin of 50 % will be provided to the Exclusive Partner.
- => The Exclusive Partner must execute and make advance purchase of 10-50 unit sales per year on a guaranteed basis.
- => The number of business unit purchase may vary depending on the geographical location.
- => The Exlusive Partner is eligible for the agreed business margin of the reccuring yearly license fee while the contract is valid.
4) OEM Partner
The 'OEM Partner Plan' well suits firms which opt for White Labelling/Re-brand instead of starting from the scratch. This Plan would be of great advantage to the firms that handle and market other products in the educational sector.
- => The Exclusive Partner would be required to identify the client, demonstrate the product online/on-site, negotiation and order finalization.
- => The Partner will also deliver training and provide after sales support once the product is installed.
- => The Contract/Billing may be managed by the OEM Partner.
- => Extra customization and updradation can be availed.
- => A fixed margin of 50 % will be provided to the Partner.
- => The OEM Partner must execute and make advance purchase of 15 unit sales per year on a guaranteed basis.